Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Proffessional Writers and Possible Futures

During my time in school I have realized that writing is one of my strong suits. Having the ability to construct a proper well thought out piece of writting is something that should truly be appreciated. This skill can be very usefull not only while in college but also in the work force. In almost every type of professional career writing comes into play. That fact makes it one of the most important aspects and abilities to learn. There are many different forms of writing. Writing can be as complicated as analyzing a piece of literary work or constructing a brief news cast.

Many people who feel writing comes easy chose to focus on it while in school and incorporate it into their future career. There are many options and career choices for professional writing students. Some of these include working for a magazine or publishing company. If involved in either of those fields a person will possibly write articles or stories as well as looking over already written novels and sections of different magazine genres. You can also focus in on your interest in a career such as one of these by deciding to work for a magazine or publication that focuses on music, sports, or any other form of popular culture and hobby. Another type of potential career path for a professional writer is working for a law firm or hospital. In these jobs you would write legal scripts for a case or record medical information for a patient. All of these possible options are well paying jobs that can lead to a successful and fullfilling life.

There are positions that may require a lot of writing where the person would not even consider themselves a professional writer or even someone who feels it to be a strong suit of theirs. Examples of jobs such as this are engineers and numerous types of broadcasters. Both of these two careers are involved with the media in television and radio. Most people with either of these two jobs would classify themselves as professional writers but use a significant amount of writing every day. Engineers need to write when jotting down the information they need to know while using their technology. They also have special lingo that only other engineers would know. This lingo is written down in most cases. Engineers in both the radio and t.v. world communicate with their co workers every second especially while on air. During a show engineers need to quickly be able to translate in writing what they need and have done in order to have a successful program for the on air talent. An example of this is an engineer for a show such as "Sunday Night Baseball" which shows the Major League Baseball game of the week during the season.

From my own personal experience being a Communications major in college with an English minor I have realized broadcasters with a strong writing background have a leg up on the competition. I have been involved in the college radio station for West Virginia University and have worked in both the news and sports departments. There I have discovered the several different ways a broadcaster uses writing in their lives. They need to know how to write casts which are a skill all in themselves. It is necessary to write casts in certain ways. This is true in that passive voice is forbidden by reporters who are broadcasting news updates or political stories in which the persons opinion is not supposed to be added. A professional writer would have a much easier time adjusting to this type of writing then someone who just knows how to speak and not write as well. Casts also universally for all broadcasters need to have short phrases and statements on each line. This is to not bore the viewer or listener. When reporting what took place in last nights game it is necessary to get to the point as quickly as possible while still be entertaining and interesting. Having a strong writting background will help a broadcaster do this easily by knowing how to break down information and put information into sections signifying breaths in the cast.

Do not hesitate to use a solid writing ability to help fullfill your hopes and deams career wise. There are tons of great options out there for all types of writers with vast interests.

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