Saturday, November 8, 2008

ARCS Pg. 283 2 & 4

2.) Using the senses is something very important in certain aspects of writing. Each of the sense can play a major role in providing descriptions. It is important to use sensory details when describing an object or person in a paper or essay. One of the senses that I feel is the most unique and complicated is the sense of smell. The sense of smell is interesting to me because it can differ depending on the person and situation. Most everything that has a taste has a smell. However not everything that tastes good smells good. Certain foods such as mushrooms or spinach do not have the best of smells but there are some people that enjoy the tastes. You can not just rely on the smell of something in order to determine if it will also have a positive taste. When a person is trying a new food they usually smell it first to attempt to picture if it will be worth it to try. It is even common for someone to to claim that they do not like a food because it smells bad when in reality they may have not ever have tasted that same food.

4.) I have found it that incorporating sources is one of the toughest parts of writing. Usually I know what I want to say quickly and how it will fit in my paper but until I relate the statement back to a source it is not credible. If the source is not reliable then my sentence could lose credibility. I tend to spend more time researching my ideas even when at times I already know them to be fact. For this paper sources are not as important, however, it is necessary for me to conduct an interview with the subject so that my information can be traced back to my report. I plan to use quotes from my interview portion and even comments made by my subject while I was observing him writing.

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