Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Reflections of Observations

When observing my group I made sure to be accurate and attempt to understand their writing process. I remembered how they observed my partner and I while we were working on the assignment so I wanted to incorporate similar tactics now that it was my turn. I took notes and wrote down anything that I felt was important that they said while discussing the questions. I immediately noticed that they were taking a different approach then we had taken. This was not a wrong way of going about it just different. They decided to focus on the potential courses available in the Professional writing and editing program. My partner and I chose to use this as a form of persuading people to major or minor in PWE. We focused more on the future and how this program would help you with possible career choices. The group I observed acted as if striving for a high grade based on writing abilities was the most important reason to be apart of the program. I also noticed that even with an extra person this group took a little longer to complete the task. They spent time going back and forth between the questions and there document. One of the members continuously would attempt to gain clarification and re ask questions trying to determine if they were going in the proper direction. After looking back on this activity I realized it will provide me with a glimpse of what I may be doing in my research. I am planning on observing my subject while he is at work and recording what he does and most notably what he writes. That is basically a much larger version of what our group did in class the other day.

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