Thursday, September 18, 2008

Statis Theory Questions - DA Register to Vote

Topic: Voting/Political Participation

Question: Should young adults participate in the political process?

Theoretical: Can, Abstract ideas

Should youth participate in politics?
Does the voting process act as a good way to decide direction for the community?

Practical: Should, Action/specific

Conjecture: Does credibility exist in the voting process?

A. "Purity" of the Democratic process
B. Lack of political participation

What is the reason for lack of participation? What are its effects? How can it be changed? Why do political parties target young voters? What kind of ways are youth participating? What are they doing?

Definition: How can it be defined? What makes it up?

What kind of thing is voting? Is voting a luxury or it a duty or it's right or it a priovilege or a responsibility or a responsibility or obligation?

What is "Political participation"? What are its parts?

Quality: Simple, Comparative

Is it right to vote not knowing the issues and candidates v.s. not voting at all? Is it more base to pay attention to the political process when there's so much negativity or is it more base to "tune off"? Is it honorable to vote? Is it better for the youth to participate in the process or should the "experienced" make the decisions?

Policy: Should action be taken?

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