Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ancient Rhetorics Pg. 153 4 & 5

4.) Recently with our economy's struggles there has been the idea of a bailout plan. This plan is designed to help out the stock market and therefor save the economy from falling any further. I understand the main purpose of this and why it is being done but I am not clear on the inner workings and thoughts behind this. Why was this brought up from what seemed out of nowhere and why was this being pushed so hard without warning? A bill such as this one is something that usually is discussed and argued for a while before going through. It was not long after it was first talked about at least by the media that it was being voted on. How long was this plan in the works and underground before being brought to our attention. Could this have been done earlier in a lesser form to avoid even having a need for a bailout? Of course if the economy was not as bad as it is right now this idea would not even be considered but since it is why are there not other possibilities being offered?. A news story such as this is something that can affect everyone and is influential to our society as a whole. Going through this topic heuristically has allowed me to develop several more arguments that expand on my original thoughts about the subject. This type of topic is never ending.

5.) In the news media there are publications or stations that have there own agenda and lean one direction over the other. This fact affects how they report the news and what stories they may discuss or leave off. The presidential election is a perfect example of this. A conservative station such as FOX News would depict the Republican candidate John McCain in a positive light and the Democratic nominee Barak Obama in a negative one as often as possible. This is to try to persuade its viewers to agree with them and teach them about things that would direct them into that path. FOX compared to CNN which is considered more liberal will focus more on Obama's connection with Bill Ayers while CNN and Larry King may cover it but try to emphasise how that is not someone he still associates with and how long ago that was. FOX most likely would counter that by including numerous segments storying there connection to each other and why it is important for the American people to be aware of it especially now. It is important for each person to be informed and watch both stations with this knowledge and to be able to view them with an open mind. Both programs incorporate an intelligent way of covering the election but just like the candidates themselves have opinions that the viewer may not always agree with. Understanding this reality will help people better know all of the issues and then give them a chance to make a smart developed opinion on everything.

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