Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Specifying Analysis of Data

After reviewing all of the readings and people we have studied to this point I have been able to learn several different methods of how to analyze the materials for my research. I now can look over the materials and know exactly what documents would be better suited for persuasion and which ones would work well by just asking more questions. It seems that most of the materials for my project should be analyzed similar to how Pryor would. I am looking into the writing process of my subject and how his writing compares to my own. This means I will be interpreting what type of writing and how my subject went about composing the document. I May also be taking direct quotes from his work to explain his audience and why he wrote a certain way. It may help me to better develop a conclusion and to persuade my readers that my subject is indeed a professional writer. Going back and figuring out where he acquired the knowledge he needed to write the document and why he chose to include some language while excluding other terms and phrases.

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