Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ideologic: Arguments

Ideology: Set of beliefs, values, ideas that shape how someone views the world
Conservatism, Liberalism
Communism, Capitalism

Common Topic: Specific procedures/set of questions for generating arguments (heuristics)

Common Place: Family "Someone people can take comfort in"
"Taken for granted unstated"

Self help
Faith in God guides the nation
National flags, anthems
Truth telling

"Keeping Austin Weird"
1. An "ideal" city is a weird city
2. A weird city has lots of different people, different shops, different ideas, different cultures
A weird city is heterogeneous
3. Austin is a weird city
4. Homogeneity is not weird
5. Box stores corporations promote homogeneity
6. Government should promote what is unique in a city rather than what is "the same."
7. Austin Policy should keep local stores here rather than inviting in corporations

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people
"Earth first"
"Guns don't do anything on their own"
"Bad people make guns bad through bad choices"
"People are inherently good or bad"
"Good people will allow laws, bad people will ignore laws, governments job is to protect the community"
"Responsible people should be given rights; irresponsible forfeit their rights"
"Gun ownership is an inherent American right"

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