Thursday, October 9, 2008

Freewrite - Abstract

Motivation/Problem statement: The research I am covering consists of discovering the connection a head radio engineer has with broadcasters. While doing this I will study his writing and compare it with the work of my own as a broadcaster for the same station. It is essential for anyone involved or interested in professional writing to look over my research. Doing so can provide you with a better understanding of the numerous opportunities for professional writers and exactly how broad a field it is. This could hep students better equip themselves by incorporating a professional writing degree into their concentration. Communication as well as engineering students may find this research shockingly interesting and important.

Methods/procedure/approach: In order to come to my conclusion and results I conducted an interview with a prominent figure in this field. I interviewed the head engineer at the radio station I am currently working for. During my interview I followed him through out a normal day at the office and studied his writing process. At times I took notes if something stood out to me or seemed very different or similar to how I write casts and other work there. A period of time was set aside where I sat down and asked questions based on information I wanted to know about his job. Follow up questions were even asked at times.

Results/findings/product: After completing my research I was able to draw a few conclusions similar to my hypothesis. I discovered that this engineer was truly a professional writer. The amount of writing and type of writing he developed everyday was something only a skilled writer could do. I also realized that his writing had some similarities but was very different to the work I complete as a broadcaster. He does not focus on short phrases as much and his audience is only his peers unlike mine being the public.

Conclusion/implications: This research can help students understand their possible job options.


Unknown said...

Wow! It sounds as if you have already been able to do lots of research for project--great!

My major suggestion here as you compose your project proposal would be to articulate in more detail the specific problem and/or researc question you wanted to explore through your project. What in particular did you want to understand better about writing in this specific profession or about writing in general, and why did this specific research subject seem like an appropriate person to study given this research question.

As you describe your research methods, include more specific details about the types of texts you want to examine, the types of activities you want to observe, and the types of interview questions you might want to ask.

Unknown said...

One more note I forgot to add . . . after you revise that opening to describe the research problem/question in more detail, you'll want the end of the abstract/proposal to speak to this original concern; that is, how will your research project likely answer this question and/or why would others be interested in reading your project given this initial set of concerns and your project's responses to them.