Thursday, October 30, 2008

ARCS Pg. 186

Elvis has left the building

Elvis is no longer in the location

Elvis is gone

The end

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ancient Rhetorics Pg. 153 4 & 5

4.) Recently with our economy's struggles there has been the idea of a bailout plan. This plan is designed to help out the stock market and therefor save the economy from falling any further. I understand the main purpose of this and why it is being done but I am not clear on the inner workings and thoughts behind this. Why was this brought up from what seemed out of nowhere and why was this being pushed so hard without warning? A bill such as this one is something that usually is discussed and argued for a while before going through. It was not long after it was first talked about at least by the media that it was being voted on. How long was this plan in the works and underground before being brought to our attention. Could this have been done earlier in a lesser form to avoid even having a need for a bailout? Of course if the economy was not as bad as it is right now this idea would not even be considered but since it is why are there not other possibilities being offered?. A news story such as this is something that can affect everyone and is influential to our society as a whole. Going through this topic heuristically has allowed me to develop several more arguments that expand on my original thoughts about the subject. This type of topic is never ending.

5.) In the news media there are publications or stations that have there own agenda and lean one direction over the other. This fact affects how they report the news and what stories they may discuss or leave off. The presidential election is a perfect example of this. A conservative station such as FOX News would depict the Republican candidate John McCain in a positive light and the Democratic nominee Barak Obama in a negative one as often as possible. This is to try to persuade its viewers to agree with them and teach them about things that would direct them into that path. FOX compared to CNN which is considered more liberal will focus more on Obama's connection with Bill Ayers while CNN and Larry King may cover it but try to emphasise how that is not someone he still associates with and how long ago that was. FOX most likely would counter that by including numerous segments storying there connection to each other and why it is important for the American people to be aware of it especially now. It is important for each person to be informed and watch both stations with this knowledge and to be able to view them with an open mind. Both programs incorporate an intelligent way of covering the election but just like the candidates themselves have opinions that the viewer may not always agree with. Understanding this reality will help people better know all of the issues and then give them a chance to make a smart developed opinion on everything.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Specifying Analysis of Data

After reviewing all of the readings and people we have studied to this point I have been able to learn several different methods of how to analyze the materials for my research. I now can look over the materials and know exactly what documents would be better suited for persuasion and which ones would work well by just asking more questions. It seems that most of the materials for my project should be analyzed similar to how Pryor would. I am looking into the writing process of my subject and how his writing compares to my own. This means I will be interpreting what type of writing and how my subject went about composing the document. I May also be taking direct quotes from his work to explain his audience and why he wrote a certain way. It may help me to better develop a conclusion and to persuade my readers that my subject is indeed a professional writer. Going back and figuring out where he acquired the knowledge he needed to write the document and why he chose to include some language while excluding other terms and phrases.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ideologic: Arguments

Ideology: Set of beliefs, values, ideas that shape how someone views the world
Conservatism, Liberalism
Communism, Capitalism

Common Topic: Specific procedures/set of questions for generating arguments (heuristics)

Common Place: Family "Someone people can take comfort in"
"Taken for granted unstated"

Self help
Faith in God guides the nation
National flags, anthems
Truth telling

"Keeping Austin Weird"
1. An "ideal" city is a weird city
2. A weird city has lots of different people, different shops, different ideas, different cultures
A weird city is heterogeneous
3. Austin is a weird city
4. Homogeneity is not weird
5. Box stores corporations promote homogeneity
6. Government should promote what is unique in a city rather than what is "the same."
7. Austin Policy should keep local stores here rather than inviting in corporations

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people
"Earth first"
"Guns don't do anything on their own"
"Bad people make guns bad through bad choices"
"People are inherently good or bad"
"Good people will allow laws, bad people will ignore laws, governments job is to protect the community"
"Responsible people should be given rights; irresponsible forfeit their rights"
"Gun ownership is an inherent American right"

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Freewrite - Abstract

Motivation/Problem statement: The research I am covering consists of discovering the connection a head radio engineer has with broadcasters. While doing this I will study his writing and compare it with the work of my own as a broadcaster for the same station. It is essential for anyone involved or interested in professional writing to look over my research. Doing so can provide you with a better understanding of the numerous opportunities for professional writers and exactly how broad a field it is. This could hep students better equip themselves by incorporating a professional writing degree into their concentration. Communication as well as engineering students may find this research shockingly interesting and important.

Methods/procedure/approach: In order to come to my conclusion and results I conducted an interview with a prominent figure in this field. I interviewed the head engineer at the radio station I am currently working for. During my interview I followed him through out a normal day at the office and studied his writing process. At times I took notes if something stood out to me or seemed very different or similar to how I write casts and other work there. A period of time was set aside where I sat down and asked questions based on information I wanted to know about his job. Follow up questions were even asked at times.

Results/findings/product: After completing my research I was able to draw a few conclusions similar to my hypothesis. I discovered that this engineer was truly a professional writer. The amount of writing and type of writing he developed everyday was something only a skilled writer could do. I also realized that his writing had some similarities but was very different to the work I complete as a broadcaster. He does not focus on short phrases as much and his audience is only his peers unlike mine being the public.

Conclusion/implications: This research can help students understand their possible job options.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Incorporating Genres

Understanding genres has now provided me with a better sense of how to go about my project. I now have a blueprint or outline in my head of the steps I will be taking. This lesson gave me a clear rubric of what order each aspect of my research will go and how to use it. The necessity of including descriptive details was made evident.